Smart Home Technology

Key to Living

Keyless entry securely locks and unlocks door from any distance.


Adjust thermostats effortlessly and reduce your energy bill.¹


Be in the know no matter where you are with notifications.

See All

View a real-time feed from your front porch, anywhere.²

Convenience is LUXURY

SMART is being able to manage your household from any device, no matter where you are.

To Download APP, 

Scan QR Code or click below

Smart device availability is determined by property management. Supported devices and features may vary.

Live Quinn SMART . . .

Keyless Entry, Streamlined Guest Access

Your Doorbell's All-Seeing Eye, Ensuring Peace of Mind at Home or Beyond

Drip Detective: Protecting Your Property Drop by Drop

SWITCH to the BRIGHT idea of going SMART

Automate Climate Settings, Create Schedules, Save Money

Live Quinn SMART . . .

Keyless Entry, Streamlined Guest Access

Happy Couple using Smart Home technology

Your Doorbell's All-Seeing Eye, Ensuring Peace of Mind at Home or Beyond

Drip Detective: Protecting Your Property Drop by Drop

SWITCH to the BRIGHT idea of going SMART

Automate Climate Settings, Create Schedules, Save Money

Smart Home

- Frequently Asked Questions -

How Do I Sign Up for SmartRent?

If you have moved into a community that offers SmartRent, please ask your community manager to move you into the SmartRent system. As part of this process, you should receive an email invitation to activate and get started creating your SmartRent account.

NOTE: New residents are only invited to sign up for SmartRent by the site team. Residents are not able to add themselves to SmartRent.

If you are a resident with the SmartRent system installed in your home, you have two options to login to your account:

  1. Via our SmartRent mobile app (Preferred)
  2. Via a web browser

If SmartRent has not yet been installed in your home, or if you have not yet been given access to your SmartRent account by your community management team, you will not be able to login. You must have the devices installed and have been “Moved-in” in SmartRent in order to gain access to your new SmartRent account.

At the time you move in, or when your SmartRent installation is complete, you will receive an email with the subject line Welcome to SmartRent! prompting you to Get Started. This button will open the link to create a password for your account. By default, your username will be the email address that you provided on your lease. The password will be set by you on this registration page. You will then need to download the app where you will be prompted to login. The two login options are detailed below.

In the SmartRent Mobile App, you have the ability to remotely unlock/lock your door, create and manage guest access codes, and monitor who comes and goes. Learn More

For help with your SmartRent account, please reach out to your community manager who will assist you with any concerns or support you to resolve any issues.

¹SmartRent claims that smart thermostats enhance energy efficiency and have the potential to lower your monthly electricity expenses. Monthly fees are applicable for homes equipped with Smart Home features, and the costs and services may vary depending on your location and home.

²Applies to residences with a Video Doorbell feature.

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